Unisciti al programma di affiliazione di DentalTourist.me

e inizia a guadagnare denaro!

Registrati Subito e Ricevi il Tuo BONUS DI BENVENUTO !

Cosa Ci Rende UniciPopolareSpeciale

Puntiamo ai risultati:

Aiutiamo i nostri affiliati a ottenere grandi risultati

Guadagno ed efficienza:

Ti forniamo tutto il materiale e le guide utili

Partnership mirata:

Ti offriamo servizi testati e consigliati dai clienti

Innovazione e integrità:

Aggiorniamo e sviluppiamo nuove pratiche per migliorare i tuoi risultati

Come funziona : Video affiliate presentation

Enjoy Our Unlimited Affiliate Solution and Get Paid as Much as You Deserve!

Silver member

100 € per client
First 5 clients treated

Gold member

150 € per client
5-15 clients treated

Platinum member

200 € per client
15+ clients treated

Individual Plan

Contact for details!


Are there any joining fees?

Our affiliate program is free to join – and you will not pay any fees!

How much can I earn?

There’s no cap on earnings. The more clients you refer, the more you earn. In our Affiliate Program, you get on your balance one-off payment of 100€ for each sale you refer.

How and when do I get paid?

We pay your commission once your balance exceeds 300€ minimum threshold. You can choose any payout method available.


Track all your clients and control all the commissions you receive in few clicks!

We'll provide you with everything you need!


- Instructions
- Steps to follow
- Strategies

Advertising materials

- Gift cards
- Vouchers
- Branding kit

Coupon codes

- Special offers
- Share
- Promote


- Communication
- Messages
- Promotion

PubblicatoLeggiScritto Chi Siamo In:

I tuoi clienti + I nostri servizi = Guadagno per entrambi

Tu guadagni, loro risparmiano il doppio, noi vi facciamo sorridere!

Ready to get started?

It's fast, free and very easy!

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